Customer service during the national holiday may 8


Due to the national holiday on Wednesday, May 8, 2024, Moser customer service will be available for you again from Thursday, May 9, 2024. We will try to process all incoming orders and inquiries as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding.


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How are e-shop orders wrapped?

We package all items in a transport box made of exceptionally firm cardboard. Inside, the Flo-Pak filling made of recycled polystyrene protects the individual boxes holding the ordered products. The individual boxes are foliated, and each transport cardboard box is wrapped in safety tape, which keeps it from accidentally opening during shipping. To ensure the goods arrive without issue, the packages are marked with the relevant symbols and instructions for the delivery provider in English (fragile, do not tilt, do not stack, glass, etc.).

At your service

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