Customer service during the national holiday may 8


Due to the national holiday on Wednesday, May 8, 2024, Moser customer service will be available for you again from Thursday, May 9, 2024. We will try to process all incoming orders and inquiries as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding.


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What should I do if my package arrives damaged?

If you receive an order in a damaged package, do not open it. Instead, return it to the delivery provider immediately. Or, request that it be unpackaged directly in front of the courier. We’ve prepared detailed instructions for you in paragraph VII. 3. of our Terms and Conditions.

If you discover the damage after opening the package at home, please send a picture or video of the broken products to our customer service colleagues. We’ll immediately send you new, undamaged products and collect the damaged items. We’ll then handle the insured event in cooperation with the delivery provider and the insurance agency.

At your service

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